You are welcome to contact me about teaching and workshops. malin@malinfors.no
I currently hold the position of Associate Professor at the University of Tromsø, Arctic University of Norway, Department of Clinical Medicine (Institutt for Klinisk Medisin), where I educate medical students on perspectives on cultural sensitivity and privilege awareness in the clinic. I have been a guest teacher for Gothenburg University´s track in clinical Psychology for 16 years. I am a regular guest teacher of clinical psychology at UiT. Other teaching involves Lund University, Stockholm University, Örebro University, Mid Sweden University, Ericastiftelsen Stockholm, SAPU Stockholm and Institute for Psychotherapy Oslo. In the spring of 2020, I held the position of Erikson Scholar at the Austen Riggs Center, in Stockbridge, MA, USA. I have regular workshops and teaching sessions.
My most recent keynotes, workshops and teaching:
Keynote Address. “Geographical Narcissism”. Rural Medicine Australia, 2023. Hobart, Tasmania, October 19, 2023. https://rma.acrrm.org.au/
WHO European Forum on Health in the Well-being Economy, Discussant: Geographical narcissism: Implications for policy-making and planning in the health sector. Rural-proofing policies for health and development, Copenhagen, Denmark, March 2, 2023.
Keynote speaker. Fall Harvest, University of Alberta, Canada. November 26, 2022. Geographical narcissism versus potato ethics in health care – empowering rural heroes.
Keynote speaker. “En hyllning till kliniskt mod – makt, maktlöshet och motstånd i terapirummet”. Psykoterapimässan Stockholm, Sweden October 4, 2022.
Makt og Privilegier i psykoterapi, September 7, 2022. Full day workshop, Litteraturhuset, Oslo, Norway.
Panel presentation, Panel: Riots and Riotousness – A Celebrations of Humor as Queer Resistance. Panel on Relational Takes on Growth, Development and Social Empowermen. International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, Annual conference LA, USA, June 16, 2022.
Discussant: Panel: Global Youth: Trauma, Tragedy, and Immigration. Discussion Piece. International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, Annual conference LA, USA, June 17, 2022.
Power and Privileges in Psychotherapy, November 13, 2021. Half day workshop. Los Angeles County Psychological Association
Addressing Domestic Violence in Psychotherapy through, the Lens of Relative Privilege, April 5, 2021. Half day workshop, Center for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis of New Jersey.
Friday Night lecture: When social privilege favors the patient, Austen Riggs Center, August 21, 2020.
2020 Proseminar in humanistic and social scientific inquiry. Riots and Riotousness – A Celebrations of Humor as Queer Resistance, Simon’s Rock College, Great Barrington, MA, March 5, 2020
Seminar lecture, Geographical Narcissism, Simon’s Rock College, Great Barrington, MA, March 5, 2020
Patient presentation Community Center Living Room, Power and Privilege in Psychotherapy, February 20, 2020, Austen Riggs Center, MA
The Dynamics of Power and Privilege in Psychotherapy, half day workshop, Knoxville, Tennessee, February 8, 2020. Appalachian Psychoanalytic Society.
Grand Rounds lecture, Austen Riggs Center. Working with Power and Privilege in the Clinical Process, January 31, 2020. Austen Riggs Center, MA.
Keynote presentation, Honoring the Stonewall Fiftieth Anniversary: Riots and Riotousness – A Celebrations of Humor as Queer Resistance. Congress and Annual Meeting of Nordic Association for Clinical Sexology, Gothenburg, Sweden, 20 September 2019.
Conference keynote presentation, When alliance is not easy. Working with personality disordered patients. Norwegian national odontophobia conference. Oslo, September 5, 2019.
Chicago, August 8, 2019: Workshop APA Convention: “The Dynamics of Power and Privilege in Psychotherapy”
Stockholm, May 6, 2019, SAPU: Makt och privilegier i psykoterapi.
Lund, May 4, 2019, PS19, Makt och privilegier i psykoterapi. Psykologstudent Sverige
Philadelphia/Haverford, November 3, 2018: Workshop: “The Dynamics of Power and Privilege in Psychotherapy” Philadelphia Society for Psychoanalytic Psychology
New York, November 6, 2018:
William Alanson White Institute, New York
San Fransisco, August 11, 2018:
Workshop APA Convention
“A Grammar of Power in Psychotherapy”